
First off all, I give glory and thanks to the Almighty God who has mercifully granted us the grace to bring this event to fruition. I feel highly elated to have you all around, honouring me with your presence and generous donations to the budding Foundation that the Almighty God has enabled me to establish Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, kindly permit me to intimate you on what has prompted the establishment of the foundation.

Sometime e after my 7oth birthday in 2009, inspite of my hesitation to do so earlier, I finally decided to write my autobiography y with a bit of my family history for posterity. As l advanced in the preparation of the transcript I was struck with some medical challenges that took the greater part of the period land 74th birthday. Somehow the Lord was kind unto me andIwas ableto weather betweenmy 72nd the difficult times and resume the writing of the autobiography. However, no sooner than I resumed, the challenges resurfaced, coinciding with my already planned visit to the UK thereby resulting. in my having to continue with the battle yonder. I didn't return to the country, in stable health condition, until after my 75th birthday. It was only then thatl was able to continue with my writing which I completed before my 8oth birthday. These critical health challenges and other mysterious incidents in my life, which nothing but the grace of God got me through, are what prompted the title of the book, CELEBRATION OF GRACE (ie His grace, God's grace) which was launched at my 80th birthday ceremonies with the aim of donating the proceeds from the laurnch for charitable purpOses once and tor all. But a wiser counsel for the establishment of a Foundation which willendure perhaps for eternity prevailed, and that has led to the creation of Rasheed Omokayode Atanda Shoderu Foundation to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind.

Among the objectives of the Foundation is the desire to cater for the needy in the areas of (1) the education ofyouths and, (2) health care.

As for the education of the youi. there has always been the need to provide extra support for arents orguardians are not able to cater for their educational brilliant but indigent students W Ihelp in creating more qualified youths for gainful employment needs, particularly at tertiary level Any assistance in this direction:

In the case of health care, I was iolted to realise that there is need to create more opportunities for or entrepreneurship.

those who may find themselves, due to no fault of theirs, in need of medical procedure that may be quite beyond their financial capability, by the case of a young man that required a medical procedure t0 correct some spinal deformities brought to the church. Knowing about the issue which was to Cost upwards of N8 million, I instantly realised the amount was far beyond what the church could raise for the Immediate surgery. Sol offered to take up the matter witha view to getting assistance from outside the church. To cut the long story short, with the intervention of the Chairman of this event, Senator Abiru, a bank came to the rescue of the young man n who is now hail and hearty, to the glory of God.

Such cases abound in the society, and Ihope and pray the Foundation would be e able to offer relief when such a case comes its way.

Before l conclude, can I please Crave your indulgence to commend the Chairman and the Members OT the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for their dedication to duty ever since theirappointment tO the board. I can not also but commend them for the zeal with which they have handled the Planning8 and execution of this maiden outing of the Foundation. May they all continue to wax from Strength to strength and be crownedwith success in their respective endeavours. S my hope and prayer that the current smouldering ember of the Sir ROAS FOUNDATION will befanned into undying flame in the near future and for ever by the Almighty God, tor the benefit of mankind. Amen.

Finally, 1 want to appreciate you good people, all of every sort, our Royal Fathers, the Chairman, Special Guests of Honour, the Chief Launcher & Co-Launchers, Special Guests and all, whose presence, participation and tremendous support have made this event a highly memorable and successful one.

Most of you were at my 8oth birthday celebrations and the Book Launch, and here are you again today, with great cheers and generous donations which I do not take for granted. 1 am really eternally indebted to you all for the profound and priceless support you have given the ROAS FOUNDATION. May the Almighty God endow you all with long life, goodhealth, continued prosperity and absolute peace of mind in your old age.

Thank you, and God bless you all.

Sir Engr Chief RO Shoderu, KJW.

Profile of the Settlor

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Address by BOT chairman


The Board of Trustee