Chairman Board of Trustee
It is my honour to stand before you as the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Rasheed Omokayode Atanda Shoderu (ROAS) Foundation Scholarship Program for Tertiary Institution Students and
Good afternoon everyone,
It is a great honor to welcome you all to the formal launching and fundraising event of the Sir Rasheed Omokayode Atanda Shoderu Foundation. I am deeply anpreciative of our Royal Fathers, esteemed dignitaries, industry leaders, and all distinguished guests, donors, partners, and supporters who have joined us today, some traveling significant distances. Your presence underscores your commitment to Our shared vision, and for that, I am sincerely grateful.
Today, we commemorate not just the settlor's 85th birthday but the realisation of a dream conceived during his 80th birthday. This vision has now blossomed into the Sir Rasheed Omokayode Atanda Shoderu Foundation, a beacon of hope dedicated to providing scholarships to deserving students in tertiary institutions. We are here to launch this foundation, born from the settlor's enduring commitment to giving back to society by supporting students who excel academically and show promising leadership potential, with a inimum grade of upper credit or second class upper.
Education, as we know, transformative force. I am a firm believer that educating a single child can change not only their life but also uplift their family and community.
The benefits are extensive and profound:
While it takes one person te envision a dream, it requires a collective effort to bring it to fruition, Nelson Mandele said, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." I invite you all to join me in launching this scholarshp program through the Sir Rasheed Omokayode Atanda Shoderu Foundation. I encourege yeu to contribute generously -- whether financially with ideas, or through advice. As Sir Winston Churchill aptly noted, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
To facilitate contributions, we have establiehed the following categories of donors for which members would be at iberty to upgrade:
Account Name : Sir Rasheed Omokayode Atanda Shoderu
Account Number : 1874624187
Bank: Acoess Bank
This event would not have been possible without the rslertless deticati Board of Trustees, who have worked tirelessly to rmaks todsy s resity, I erlend my deepest gratitude to them.
Thank you, and may your generosity be richly rewarded.
Ms, Tolulope Oladapo Shoderu
Secretary, ROAS Board of Trustess
An accomplished COREN registered Engineer and a Fellow of many Institutions, National and International, Chief 'Kayode Shoderu became a Civil Engineering Consultant, having garnered cognate and quality experience through post-graduate training under the ICE agreement with a Glasgow Consulting Engineeringt firm M/S Crouch 8& Hogg,followed with employment by the Nigeria Railway Corporation and B.P. (Nigeria) Limited (Now Forte Oil, through several processes of name changing)r respectively, and joining other Colleagues in the profession to
MoreToday, we we are gathered to formally launch the ROAS Foundation in honour of Sir (Engr.) Chief R. O. Shoderu KJW on his 85th Birthday and to also recognize the accomplishments of our scholarship students who have demonstrated determination, integrity, and perseverance in winners coming adversity, as well as have critical financial need. We celebrate their hard work, perseverance, and I desire to make apositive impact in their chosen fields.